Ok, so you've started a Kickstarter or Indie GoGo page, now what? The goal of those sites is to get as much traffic as you can to promote your film. So all of your family and friends have donated a dollar. How do you get more people to love your movie?
Visit film blogs, of course. Below are two sites that are interested in promoting your project!
Student Stefan Fernandez's thesis film, Deep Inside, has just been accepted to the Tromadance Festival!
Congrats, Stefan! Keep it up! http://tromadance.com/makeyourown.php
This Quarter the TriBeca Film Festival will be taking place during the first couple of weeks and a few lucky Ai students will be working getting coverage of the events and a few of our HVX's will be in use by them. This means we will have a shorter supply of HVX's for at least the first 2 weeks of the new Quarter.
PLEASE plan accordingly if your in need of an HVX during the TriBeca event.
For more information please see the CAGE about HVX availability. (For those who qualify)
Alpha Channel - 200 Hudson Street 92Y TriBeCa - 6-10pm Monday March 19th
Tickets for 92nd St Y TriBeCa are reserved for Portfolio students, winners, employers and faculty. Any tickets left over will be available on the day of the show.
Alpha Channel Selections will be screening in the TV studio same time and date as the screening at 92Y.
Congrats to our WI12 Alpha Channel Winners!
Blind Barber - Melissa Fortunatti & Stefan Fernandez
I need a Cell Phone - Adam Spieler
Side Effect - Geroni Jimenez
F51 Teaser - Geroni Jimenez
Under the Influence - Lawrence Graniela
Pleasantly Crazy - Michael Coccovizzo
Roommates - Eddie Recio
Trapped Tango - Natasha Davis
Holding On - Ryan Stewart
Coke Cola Commercial - Joshua Argueta
* Please pick up your tickets from Eve Okupniak on Friday or Monday before the show. Everyone has two tickets reserved for them.
The DFM department is expanding to include nine more tutors to our pool. Please e-mail Eve Okupniak at gokupniak@aii.edu with your student ID number to be considered. We are also taking faculty recommendations.
Cheers, Eve.
Student Adam Spieler just lost two hard drives and a digital camera yesterday. They were in his bookbag the last time he checked, then disappeared. Please assist Adam in tracking them down! The drives and camera were in a soft black zipper case. If you are able to locate them, please drop them off at the cage. Any help would be appreciated! - Eve.
A question I ask students at orientation, "What is your favorite film or TV show?" Every quarter I have at least one student who claims that there is nothing worth watching on TV. Guys, I am here to tell you this is an irresponsible assumption.
Just like YouTube, cable and network television has a sea of useless, mindless programming: 99% of reality shows, afternoon talk shows, opinionated editorial segments passing off as news. I agree that it would be easy to get lost when looking for intelligent, entertaining shows. The trick is to read and listen to film critics' suggestions. I have found numerous titles that can compete with the best features produced today. Below are a few suggestions to keep on your radar. I've broken them down by network. HBO - This network consistently has great programming in several genres on several budgets. Six Feet Under, Tales from the Crypt, Carnivale, Rome, True Blood, Boardwalk Empire and on and on. Their network recently won the Oscar for best short documentary, Saving Face, which is part of their Monday night documentary series. Below I have the trailer for their latest hit, Game of Thrones. If you are a fan of fantasy, you don't want to miss this!
AMC - Home of Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Rubicon, and the Walking Dead. Zombies, Drinking on the Job, Thrillers, and Drug Dealers. The line up sounds like an episode of Jerry Springer, however the quality of writing and acting is beyond compare. Below is the season 1 recap for Breaking Bad.
NBC - They are still culprits when it comes to reality TV and game show programming. However, Community and Awake are two shows that should be on your radar. Community is full of film and television references that only film geeks would enjoy. Below is the documentary episode which spoofs Hearts of Darkness- Apocalypse Now documentary.
I hope this expands your television pallet. You can find some of these shows on Netflix Instant, free on the internet or Hulu Plus. The HBO shows are network only or on DVD. Enjoy the suggestions and feel free to leave suggestions of your own. Remember to keep reading the blogs and listening to podcasts to get more exposure. - Eve
We'll be posting the Alpha Channel winners on THURSDAY. Please pick up your tickets with Eve. All extra tickets will be available on Monday in Eve's Office.
* If you need to register, please refer to the ADVISOR OFFICE HOURS on the right side of the blog. Josh Hays and Seth Donsky will be sitting at Dave Nash's desk helping students until the end of the quarter.
* ALPHA CHANNEL DEADLINE - March 6th by 9pm in the Alpha Channel folder on the Faculty Drive. Please make sure you fill out the entry form with your submission. Speak with your instructor if you are having issues submitting.