Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Aaron Sorkin discussing Social Network

Those of you whom I've spoken to know that I am a David Fincher fan. For those of you who are unfamiliar, check out Fight Club, Se7en, Zodiac, Panic Room. Below is an interview with the writer of David Fincher's latest film, The Social Network. I posted it today because I am impressed with the amount of research that was dedicated to this film. Aaron Sorkin has a reputation for being through, to the point of textbook history, when it comes to the accuracy of his writing (Military procedures in A Few Good Men, White House Protocol in West Wing).
Take is approach into consideration when working on your own scripts. As the writer, you should know everything about your characters; ie. what clothes they wear in the winter, how they brush their teeth, what celeberties they think are attractive, where they like to meet up with friends. . . and so on. This level of detail shines on set and resonates with your actors. You may not think this approach is relevant, but trust me when I say that the audience notices. Enjoy!

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