Monday, November 30, 2009

Video Production vs. Digital Filmmaking

Hello Students!
I hope all of you had a relaxing vacation! I wanted to address an issue that has been clogging my inbox. Many students have inquired about switching to the Digital Filmmaking program that will begin in January of 2010. Here are some factual points that will help in your decision making.
1. The fundamental difference between both programs are as follows: 1 additional General Education class, 1 less TV production class, a Mid program review, and a rearrangement of pre-requisite classes. The program outcomes and mission statement are the same.
2. If you are a video production student looking to switch you will encounter the following problems:
a. Not all video production classes will transfer because of the re-sequence. While the courses are the same in content, the pre-requisites change the way the skills are taught.
b. Upper level courses will only be offered as the program rolls out, only first quarter DF courses will be available WI10. For example: If a 5th quarter student transfers to DF, that student will need some 5th quarter classes. That student will NOT be able to take those courses for another year, therefore delay graduation.
c. Students who are in the process of working on their thesis projects may have to restart the thesis approval with the new criteria.
Please review and consider this information before contacting me in regards to switching programs. Thank you! I hope this helps with any questions you are considering.
- Eve Okupniak

Friday, November 20, 2009

Film Posters that will make you smile

If you are a cinemaphile, like I am, then you will love the new exhibit on display at Gallery 1988 in LA. Mondo Tee's is a graphic design company that deals specifically in creating "retro" designs for the 21st century. I love the posters they do for repertory theater! Check out the post on Twitch! Click HERE for the post.

- Eve.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ranting and Raving

Hello ya all!
I have just passed my one month mark, and I am still here!
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of the students who have visited me these past few weeks. The company is always appreciated, regardless of the circumstance. A few things to bring to your attention:
- The Panels are BACK! : Upon student request, efforts will be made to reinstate professional panel discussions for the VP department. The first panel will be broadcast and film post-production. Keep checking the blog for dates and times. Please send me any topic requests.
- I will be doing various classroom visits for the next two quarters. Please do not acknowledge my presence if I am in your class. My purpose is to observe you in your natural habitat.
- TV Studio Clean Out: Efforts will be made to clear out the TV studio toward the end of the quarter and over break. We need to work together to keep the space clean and professional. After the studio is clear, a new set of guidelines will be posted in the control room and in the studio. Pay attention to these new guidelines and follow them :)
- New links have been added to the AiNYC VP LINKS section. Check them out!
- Keep your eye out for film festival and workshop postings. If you missed something, click on the corresponding label on the right hand side of the page.
As always, your support and efforts are always appreciated. If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, please comment on this post and I will respond.
Super Director Eve

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cannes 2010: Opportunity

Click on the image to view the entire ad. DEADLINE MARCH 2010!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Demo Reel Examples: Editing

Definition: "Film editing is part of the post-production process of filmmaking. It involves the selection and combining of shots, connecting the resulting sequences, and ultimately creating a finished motion picture. It is an art of storytelling."

Editing establishes the mood of the film. The most skilled editors are rhythmic in their pacing and deliberate in their cutting. Successful directors have an editor on staff that they trust with their livelyhood. This means, the director gives the editor the film that they have worked on for 18 months and walk away. Filmmakers tend to loose sight of their original vision when they spend so much time with a story. A healthy practice is to give the story a new set of eyes. Francis Ford Coppola has Walter Murch. Martin Scorsese has Thelma Schoonmaker. Alfred Hitchcock had George Tomasini.

I tried to find editing reels for your visual education. After much research, I resigned to the fact that watching a well edited scene is more powerful than a rushed reel. 
Below are some links that will kick-start your research. Click on the titles for the links. 
Cinema Editing Terms: This site has a simplistic design that helps the viewer locate terms quickly. 
WNYC Radiolab Interview with Walter Murch: Great interview with W.M., explaining his philosophy on editing from a scientific point of view. 
Best Editing Sequences: A list compiled by AMC in regards to the best editing examples in the history of cinema. Another quick reference guide. I suggest you look for clips of the sequences that are discussed on You Tube. 

Monday, November 9, 2009

Everything Hitchcock: for Screenwriters

Upon my internet stumblings, I have found this site, for all things Hitchcock. Click HERE for the link. At first I was a little disappointed. It's very basic, almost like someone's class project. After surfing on it for a few moments, this director's conclusion is that the site is a great place to begin your research if you know nothing about the great director. For you script writers out there, you will be especially interested in the "Theories" section. 
Cheers, Eve.

For screenwriters - In addition: here is a link to a blog post on "Mystery Man of Film". Good information on the element of surprise in story. Check out the right hand side for links to the best posts!! Click HERE for the article mentioned. 

Thursday, November 5, 2009

WI10 Registration UPDATE!

I have posted the VP Class Grid online to help you choose your classes for registration. When you log on to your online student account, check your audit. Then, check the class grid. Cross out all of the classes you have taken. See what classes you have left. Register for the classes for which you have taken the pre-requisites. If you have any questions, please see David Nash.

The grid is located on the right side of this page under AiNYC LINKS.

Please comment on this post if you are having any difficulties. I will answer your questions as soon as I am able.

- Eve Okupniak, Department Director.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Columbia University Film Festival

Submission Forms are in the LINKS section titled: CUNUFF Submission Form. The forms will be posted until the late deadline March 5th!